CNH Industrial is a well known name in the automotive industry. The headquarters of CNH Industrial is located in Basildon, UK. CNH Industrial is a listed company and is registered at New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Borsa Italiana (BIT) with trade name: CNHI. CNH Industrial products and services are available in 180 countries across the globe.
The company operates through 67 manufacturing plants and 56 research and development centers. In this section, further you can get the important contact information of CNH Industrial. You can find here CNH Industrial Head Office Address, Phone Number, Investor Relations contacts, Email, Media Relations Contact info and more.
CNH Industrial Head Office Address and Corporate Office Phone
The head Office of CNH Industrial is established in London. To contact Head Office Employees or CNH Industrial higher level management, you can send your requests, suggestions or official letter at CNH Industrial Head Office Address N.V., 25 St. James’s Street, London, SW1A 1HA, United Kingdom. For official meetings, we suggest o take an appointment with the concerned officer in advance.
To share your matters or suggestions, you can also call the concerned CNH Industrial Head Office personnel on phone, here is the CNH Industrial Head Office phone, please call at: +44 (0)207 7660 346.
Investor Relations Email
Existing Investors or financial analysts may get in touch with CNH Industrial Global Investor Relations team. Here we have mentioned the concerned Investor Relations Officer Mr. Federico Donati on phone: +44 207 7660 386. You can also try contacting on the alternate phone number: +39 011 00 71929.
You can also send your inquiries by email, please note down the Email Address:
Alternatively, you can contact Enza Marsala on phone: +39 011 00 73539. Or share your inquiries through email: Or, contact Noah Weiss on phone +1 630 887 3745 or through email:
Media Relations/Press Office Email and Phone
This section is for the use of Media Professionals. For Media inquiries, you can connect with the below mentioned contacts:
- Global Media team, Richard Gadeselli on Phone +44 (0)207 7660 346 or by email:
- Or, contact Laura Overall on phone +44 (0)207 7660 338 or through email:
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For Europe Media inquiries, you can connect with Francesco Polsinelli on phone: +39 335 17 76091 or through email: You can also get in touch with Cristina Formica on Telephone: +39 335 57 62520 or through email: