Rio Tinto Group Headquarters Address, Head Office Phone Number and More

Rio Tinto Group

Rio Tinto Group is an Anglo-Australian multinational metals and mining corporation. It was founded in the year 1873 and now it is considered as the world’s second largest corporation of metals and mining. It offers products like Copper, Molybdenum, Gold, Alumina, Aluminium, Diamonds and so on. To buy the Gold and Diamond in USA of Rio Tinto Group, then they are available at discounted rates at several web portals.

The company was listed at 114th position for the largest public company in the world by Forbes Global 2000. Please, refer it once the contact details of Rio Tinto Group which are presented below.

Rio Tinto Group
Rio Tinto Group

Rio Tinto Group Headquarters Contact Information

The head office of Rio Tinto is situated at different locations. Here we are sharing few of them with you. The London head office address is 6 St James’s Square, London SW1Y 4AD, UK. The phone number is replaced here: +44 20 7781 2000.

Let’s move on with the Melbourne head office. The address is Level 7, 360 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia. The contact number is +61 3 9283 3333. The given addresses will make you to reach to the head office of Rio Tinto Group.

The further details are available at this website:

Rio Tinto Group Shareholder Contact Details

The queries related to the shareholding can be solved by contacting at the given contact information. You can write a letter to the Computershare at Computershare Investor Services PLC, The Pavilions, Bridgwater Road, Bristol BS99 6ZY, UK. You can also get connect through your cell phone at 0800 435 021. The fax number is 0370 703 6119. The International Phone Number is +44 370 703 6364. The Fax Number is +44 370 703 6119.

For the The Mailing Preference Service, the address you can use is The Mailing Preference Service, Freepost 22, London W1E 7EZ. The contact number is +44 20 7291 3310.

The online details are available at The general inquiries can be done from

You can join to Stocktrade at this address. The address is Stocktrade, 81 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3ES, UK.  The phone number is +44 131 240 0623, +44 (0)131 240 0414.

Rio Tinto Group Media Contact Information

If you are from the press and eagerly waiting to get the latest news about Rio Tinto Group, then here is the media relations contact number. The number is +1 514 608 4429, +1 514 796 4973.

Social Media Accounts

There are some of the social media accounts where Rio Tinto Group are present. They are present on LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. You can follow at the given accounts.

Also Read: Lloyds Banking Group Headquarters Address

Article first published on December 17, 2020.