Alex Chalk Contact Number, Constituency Office Address, Email Address

Alex Chalk

Alexander John Gervase Chalk is a politician. He supports British Conservative Party. He serves as the Member of Parliament (MP) for Cheltenham. He is also a former lawyer. He also the member of the the Serious Fraud Office Panel of Counsel, Criminal Bar Association and has also sat on the Justice Select Committee.

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Alex Chalk
Alex Chalk

Alex Chalk Constituency Office Contact Details

We are having the details of Constituency Office of Alex Chalk and we are going to present it. Lets first know about the address of Constituency Office. The address is 2 Henrietta Street, Cheltenham, GL50 4AA.

Here, we have the contact number which you can use to have a direct conversation with Alex chalk. The number is 0124 221 0473.

Alex Chalk Parliamentary Office Contact Details

If you are not able to reach to the Constituency address, then you can use this Parliamentary Office details. Now, lets move to the Contact Details of Parliamentary Office. The address is House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA.

To know the phone number of Parliamentary Office, here we have the same. The number is 020 7219 8087.

Official Website and Email Address

If you are observing for the email address of Alex Chalk in order to send him letter, then this section is much useful for you. This section represents Email Address and Official Website of Alex chalk. You can note down the email address. The address is

Here we are having the official website of Alex Chalk,where you will find much more details about him. The website is

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Social Media Accounts and Pages

If you want to follow Alex Chalk and want to get day to day updates about him, then you can follow him at the social media pages present here. He is active on Facebook and Twitter.

Fast Facts about Alex Chalk

Following are the personal details of Alex Chalk.

  • Children: 2
  • Office: Member of Parliament for Cheltenham
  • Education: Magdalen College, Oxford City University London
  • Age: 43
  • Residency: Charlton Kings, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

Article first published on September 05, 2020.