Clive Betts Office Address, Phone Number, and Contact Details

Clive Betts

Clive Betts is a member of Labour Party. He is a British politician and serve as a Member of Parliament for Sheffield South East. He was educated at Pembroke College, Cambridge. He was born on Sheffield, West Riding of Yorkshire, England. You can buy Clive Betts books in UK online at affordable rates from many eCommerce website.

Here you can get all answers of your questions like How to contact Clive Betts? Whats is the contact details of Clive Betts? What is the office address of Clive Betts? We have collected all the contact details of Clive Betts from authorised website.

Clive Betts
Clive Betts

Clive Betts Constituency Office Contact Details

You can write at First Floor, Barkers Pool House, Burgess Street, Sheffield, S1 2HF to contact Clive Betts. We are suggest you to include your full address and name in any correspondence you send. He is only able to respond to those people who live in the Sheffield South East Constituency.

To talk with Clive Betts or book an appointment, kindly make a call on 0114 275 7788. The email address of Clive Betts is

Clive Betts Parliamentary Office Contact Details

If you would like send issues or queries to Clive Betts, kindly send it to Clive Betts’s Parliamentary office address. It is Clive Betts MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. Clive Betts’s Parliamentary office phone number is 020 7219 5114.

You can also contact Clive Betts via email address, which is

Official Website and Email Address

You can also visit an official website of Clive Betts for more regular updates and details. The email address of Clive Betts is

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Social Media Accounts and Pages

He is active on three social media accounts, which are Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. These all are verifies social media accounts of Clive Betts. So, please don’t hesitate to contact Scott Benton via social media platforms.

Fast Facts About Clive Betts

At this place, you can get some fast facts about Clive Betts. So, let’s read.

  • Age: 70 years
  • Education: Pembroke College
  • Political Party: Labour Party
  • Office: Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom since 2010
  • Books: General Power of Competence: Written Evidence, MORE

Article first published on June 23, 2020.