Felicity Buchan is British politician and was born at Aberdeenshire, United Kingdom. From the year 2019, she was the Member of Parliament (MP) for Kensington. Before joining the politics, she has worked as employers at Bank of America and JP Morgan. First time she won seat from Emma Dent Coad.
You can purchase footwear online like Felicity Buchan at lowest rate. All the contact details of Felicity Buchan’s like Office address, Fax Number, Phone Number, Email address, mobile number and more are given here. Which will useful to you. All the contact details are fetched out from her official website.

Felicity Buchan Constituency Office Contact Details
If you are looking for constituency office contact details of Felicity Buchan, then constituency office contact details is not available with us right now. We will update this section soon!
Felicity Buchan Parliamentary Office Contact Details
Looking for the Felicity Buchan’s Parliamentary office contact details???? then you are at right place. Here we are giving you the Parliamentary office address of Felicity Buchan and i.e. House of Commons London SW1A 0AA. The office contact number is 0207 219 6732.
You can send email to Felicity Buchan at felicity.buchan.mp@parliament.uk.
Official Websites and Email Address
The email address is felicity@felicitybuchan.com. If you are searching for official website of Felicity Buchan, then official website is not available with us.
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Social Media Accounts and Pages
She is present at different social media accounts. The social media accounts of Felicity Buchan is Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Not sure for given account is verified or not, but this all are given at her official website. Social media is best way to stay connected easily with Felicity Buchan.
Fast Facts About Felicity Buchan
The quick details of Felicity Buchan is given here.
- Husband: Not available with us
- Education: Christ Church
- Office: Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom since 2019
- Age: Not available with us
- Children: Not available with us
- Political Party: Conservative Party
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Article first published on August 9, 2020.