Feryal Clark is popular British politician and also member of Labour Party. She is also serving as MP (member of parliament) for Enfield North. She has attend University of Exeter. She made her first speech on Health and Social Care. You can buy sandal and lather purse online like Feryal Clark at lowest rate.
If you have question like How can a get the contact details of Feryal Clark?? Whats is the office address details of Feryal Clark???? and What is the phone number of Feryal Clark?? then you can get all details from here.

Feryal Clark Constituency Office Contact Details
If you are looking for constituency office address of Feryal Clark, then we don’t have right now. We will try to get it to update it soon!
The email address and office contact number is also not available with us.
Feryal Clark Parliamentary Office Contact Details
If you want to make contact with Feryal Clark, then you can make contact through her parliamentary office landline number and i.e. 0207 219 3000.
The parliamentary office address is House of Commons London SW1A 0AA. The email address is feryal.clark.mp@parliament.uk.
We don’t have her house address and personal mobile number right now.
Official Websites and Email Address
Here we don’t have her official website and email address details. So, the email address and official website of Feryal Clark is not available with us. We will update this section as early as possible.
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Social Media Accounts and Pages
She is using only one social media account. The social media account of Feryal Clark is Twitter. This is the verified account of Feryal Clark. You can send her message or make call through given social media account. She has millions of fan on her social media pages or account.
Fast Facts About Feryal Clark
The personal details of Feryal Clark is given here.
- Office: Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom since 2019
- Age: Not available with us
- Parents: Not available with us
- Education: University of Exeter
- Political Party: Labour Party
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Article first published on August 21, 202