Gareth Bacon is a politician from British Conservative party. Currently, he is a Member of Parliament for Orpington. He has completed his Bachelor of Arts degree in politics at University of Kent at Canterbury. He is a member of Conservative Party since 1987. There are so many people who want to contact Gareth Bacon and searching for How to contact Gareth Bacon? What is the office address of Gareth Bacon? on internet. Here you can get all contact details of Gareth Bacon.
So, let’s see all possible contact details of Gareth Bacon including office address, phone number, and email address in this page.
Gareth Bacon Parliamentary Office Contact Details
If you want to send your queries or issues to Gareth Bacon, then write it to Gareth Bacon MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. You can email Gareth Bacon at
You can contact the Gareth Bacon at their Westminster address, which is House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. The Parliamentary office contact number of Gareth Bacon is 0207 219 6806.
As a Member of Parliament Gareth Bacon will regularly hold surgeries to meet you and hear your opinions or queries or concerns . If you would like to attend a face-to-face surgery please call 01689 603452 or email to make an appointment.
Please note that, when you contact Gareth Bacon, you should be addressed him as Gareth Bacon.
Currently, we don’t have residency address and contact number of Gareth Bacon. We will update it soon.
Gareth Bacon Official Website and Email Address
For latest news, updates, speeches, and face-to-face surgeries, please visit official website of Gareth Bacon The email address of Gareth Bacon is
Also Read: Whats is the contact number of Sir David Amess?
Social Media Accounts and Pages
You can also contact Gareth Bacon through his verified social media accounts. His social media accounts are Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. This is the best way to contact your MP Gareth Bacon.
Fast facts About Gareth Bacon
You can get fast facts about Gareth Bacon in this section.
- Age 48 years
- Office: Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom since 2019
- Birth Date: 7 April 1972
- Party: Conservative Partya
- Education: University of Kent
Article first published on May 28, 2020.