Hannah Bardell is a British politician from Scottish National Party. She is the the Member of Parliament for Livingston in West Lothian, Scotland. She was attended the University of Stirling. After that she began her career in commercial television as the Assistant Producer on ‘The Sunday Programme’, which is political show. She enjoy singing and playing guitar during her spare time.
If you are serching for What is the office address of Hannah Bardell? How to contact Hannah Bardell? on internet, then you can get all possible contact information in this article.

Hannah Bardell Constituency Office Contact Details
Hannah Bardell constituency office address is Suite 4, Ochil House, Beveridge Square, Livingston, EH54 6QF. Hannah Bardell office phone number is 01506 462 004. An email address of Hannah Bardell is Hannah.Bardell.MP@Parliament.UK.
You can also meet Hannah Bardell at one of surgeries, please call on 01506 462 004 or visit Hannah Bardell constituency office address at Suite 4, Ochil House, Beveridge Square, Livingston, EH54 6QF. She always happy to assist you.
She will help you with any issues or concerns. Her staff have arrange telephone appointments, so please call on above mentioned office contact number. We are suggest you to kindly email at hannah.bardell.mp@parliament.uk with your issue and your full address with postcode.
Hannah Bardell Parliamentary Office Contact Details
Hannah Bardell parliamentary office address is House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. Hannah Bardell office phone number is 020 7219 5907 and email address is hannah.bardell.mp@parliament.uk.
Hannah Bardell Official Website and Email Address
For more details and information, kindly visit official website of Hannah Bardell http://hannahbardellmp.scot. An email address of Hannah Bardell is hannah.bardell.mp@parliament.uk.
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Social Media Accounts and Pages
You can contact Hannah Bardell through her verified social media accounts, which are Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. You can directly send a message to Hannah Bardell through social media accounts of Hannah Bardell.
Fast Facts About Hannah Bardell
Here you can get some quick information about Hannah Bardell.
- Political party: Scottish National Party
- Age: 37 years
- Husband Name: Not Available with us
- Children: Information not available
- Moher Name: Lis Bardell
- Education: University of Stirling
Article first published on June 4, 2020.