Margaret Beckett is a British politician from Labour political party. She has been MP for Derby South since 1983. She has completed her education from University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. She was married to Leo Beckett in 1979. You can easily Buy Margaret Beckett books online from eCommerce websites at lowest rates.
If you have questions like What is the contact number of Margaret Beckett? What is the office address of Margaret Beckett? and How to contact Margaret Beckett? Then you are at right place. Because you can get all possible contact details of Margaret Beckett at this place. We have collected all this contact detail from authorised website.

Margaret Beckett Constituency Office Contact Details
You can contact Margaret Beckett at their constituency address, which is given below.
Currently, we don’t have Margaret Beckett Constituency office address, but you can contact Margaret Beckett through Labour Party Agent.
You can make a call on Margaret Beckett Constituency office phone number 01332 345636. You can send email at
Margaret Beckett Parliamentary Office Contact Details
If you would like contact Margaret Beckett via call, kindly make a call on Parliamentary office phone number 020 7219 5135 and 020 7219 2088. Margaret Beckett’s Parliamentary office Fax number is 020 7219 4780.
Margaret Beckett’s email address is Margaret Beckett’s Parliamentary office address is House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA.
Margaret Beckett’s residency address or house address is not available right now.
Margaret Beckett Official Website and Email Address
For more details, please visit official website You can send your query or issue at
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Social Media Accounts and Pages
Social media account is the best way to contact MP. Unfortunately, Margaret Beckett did not have a social media presence. We don’t have any information about Margaret Beckett verified social media accounts. When we get any information about her social media accounts, we will update it in this section.
Fast Facts About Margaret Beckett
You can get some quick information about Margaret Beckett at this place.
- Education: University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology
- Office: Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom since 1983
- Age: 77 years
- Husband: Leo Beckett (m. 1979)
- Political Party: Labour Party
Article first published on June 15, 2020.