Paula Barker Office Address, Phone Number, and Email Address

Paula Barker

Paula Barker is a British politician from Labour Party. She is a Member of Parliament for Liverpool Wavertree. She was born on 9 May 1972 at Sefton General Hospital in Wavertree, Liverpool. She has completed her education from Holly Lodge Girls’ High School in West. Her father was died due to diagnosed with cancer two weeks before her second birthday. Her mother raised Paula Barker as a single parent. She was worked in local government for 30 years. You can buy fashion clothes like Paula Barker online at lowest rates from many eCommerce websites.

If you have a questions like How to contact Paula Barker? What is the office address of Paula Barker? then you are at right place at right time. Let’s read.

Paula Barker
Paula Barker

Paula Barker Constituency Office Contact Details

If you are seeking for Paula Barker’s constituency contact details including office address, phone number and fax number on internet, currently we don’t have.  But, you can contact her through Parliamentary office contact details, which is available in given below section. So, Let’s read.

Paula Barker Parliamentary Office Contact Details

Paula Barker’s parliamentary office address of London office address is House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. You can make a call on 0207 219 3000 to contact Paula Barker. This is the Parliamentary office phone number of Paula Barker.

Paula Barker’s Parliamentary office fax number is not available right now. You can also contact her via email at

Paula Barker Official Website and Email Address

For more details, latest updates and surgeries, we will suggest you to visit an official website of Paula Barker Paula Barker’s email address is

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Social Media Accounts and Pages

Now a days, you can contact Paula Barker via verified social media accounts, which is available in this right place. The verified social media accounts of Paula Barker are Twitter, and Facebook. You can directly contact with Paula Barker and send a message via this social media platforms.

Fast Facts About Paula Barker

In this section, you can get some quick information about Paula Barker.

  • Education: Holly Lodge Girls’ College
  • Office: Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom since 2019
  • Age: 48 years
  • Political Party: Labour Party

Article first published on June 12, 2020.