Simon Baynes is a British politician and served as a Member of Parliament for Clwyd South. He is a member of Conservative political party. He has completed his education from Magdalene College, Cambridge. He ran the charity Concertina – Music and he was a Trustee of the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod. If you would like to buy Simon Baynes books online, then you can easily buy it from many eCommerce websites at affordable rates.
Here you can get answers of questions like How to contact Simon Baynes? What is the office address of Simon Baynes? at this place. So, let’s see all possible contact information of Simon Baynes including Constituency office address, phone number, email address and more.
Simon Baynes Constituency Office Contact Details
If you are seeking for Constituency office address of Simon Baynes, then please use Unit 13, Big Padlock Business Centre, Vauxhall Business Park, Ruabon, Wrexham LL14 6HA.
You can contact Simon Baynes via call on Constituency office contact number 07826 711048 (landline number coming soon). Simon Baynes’s email address is
Simon Baynes Parliamentary Office Contact Details
Simon Baynes’s Parliamentary office address is House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. Looking for Parliamentary office phone number of Simon Baynes, please make a call on 0207 219 3000.
If you would like to contact Simon Baynes via email, then please email at Right now, we don’t have Parliamentary office fax number. When we get, we will update it.
Simon Baynes Official Website and Email Address
For more details and latest updates, kindly visit an official website of Simon Baynes Simon Baynes’s email address is
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Social Media Accounts and Pages
You can also contact Simon Baynes through social media accounts. He is active on Facebook, and Twitter. You can directly send a message to Simon Baynes through his social media accounts.
Fast Facts About Simon Baynes
In this section, you can get fast facts about Simon Baynes.
- Age: 60 years
- Education: Magdalene College, University of Cambridge
- Party: Conservative Party
- Books: A Credible Universe: Poems of Faith, One of Our Lions Is Missing, and more
- Children: Clementine Audrey Baynes, Francesca Mary Baynes
Article first published on June 14, 2020.