Sir Alan Campbell Contact Number, Email Address, and Office Address

Sir Alan Campbell

Sir Alan Campbell is a politician. His political party is British Labour Party. Since 1997, he has the Member of Parliament (MP) for Tynemouth. Currently, he is the the Deputy Chief Whip of the Labour Party. From 2008 to 2010, he performed his responsibility as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Home Office.

You can buy the eye glasses like Sir Alan Campbell of different brands like Ray Ban at your pocket price. The Parliamentary Office Contact Details  of Sir Alan Campbell are given below.

Sir Alan Campbell
Sir Alan Campbell

Sir Alan Campbell Constituency Office Contact Details

In order to write letter to Sir Alan Cambell, then here present address is useful to you. The Constituency office address is House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. If you want to do the telephonic conversation with Sir Alan Campbell, the you can ring up at this phone number. The number is 020 7219 6619.

Sir Alan Campbell Parliamentary Office Contact Details

If you are not able to reach to the above present Constituency Office Address, then here we have the Parliamentary Office Address for you. The address is 99 Howard Street, North Shields, NE30 1NA.

Here, we also have the Parliamentary Office Contact Number which you can dial and can able to connect directly with Sir Alan Campbell. The number is 0191 257 1927.

Official Website and Email Address

This section is for the Email Address and Official Website. From this correct place, you will find the email address and official website of Sir Alan Campbell. Please, note down the email address. The address is

Here, we have the official website of Sir Alan Campbell where his further details are available. Please, visit it once. The website is

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Social Media Accounts and Pages

If you are looking for the social media accounts of Sir Alan Campbell, then you will find it from this section. Here, we have some social media accounts of Sir Alan Campbell collected from its official website. His social media account is Twitter.

Fast Facts About Sir Alan Campbell

If you want to know the personal details about Sir Alan Campbell, then here it is given.

  • Age: 62
  • Office: Member of Parliament for Tynemouth
  • Education: Lancaster University, University of Leeds, Northumbria University
  • Born: 8 July 1957
  • Wife: Jayne Lamont

Article first published on July 27, 2020.