Sir David Amess is a British Member of Parliament for Southend West since 1997. He is a British politician from Conservative Party. He has completed his education from Bournemouth University. He has a 5 children including one son and four daughters. He was married to Julia Arnold. Her wife is a part-time caseworker for her husband. If you have a questions like How to contact Sir David Amess? What is the office address of Sir David Amess? Then let’s read.
In this article, you can get all possible contact details of Sir David Amess including office phone number, office address, contact number, and more.

Sir David Amess Mailing Address and Postal Address
If you are looking for Sir David Amess Constituency Office and Westminster Office, then you are at right place at a right time.
Sir David Amess Constituency office address is Iveagh Hall , 67 Leigh Road Leigh-on-Sea SS9 1JW and Westminster office address is House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA.
Sir David Amess Contact Details
Anyone who wants to contact with Sir David Amess has to use the given below information which is collected from authorised website.
You can contact Sir David Amess through call on his Constituency Office phone number or landline number 01702 472391. Sir David Amess Westminster office contact number / phone number is 020 7219 3452.
If you are looking for Sir David Amess residency contact number or phone number, currently we don’t have.
Sir David Amess Official Website and Email Address
Sir David Amess’s official website is AN emial address or Sir David Amess is and Constituency Office email address is
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Social Media Accounts and Pages
If you didn’t contact with Sir David Amess through given above contact information, then no need to worry. You still have an another option to get in touch with him through Twitter social account. This is a verified social media account of Sir David Amess.
Fast Facts About Sir David Amess
Here you can get some little-known facts about Sir David Amessn:
- Political party: Conservative
- Sir David Amess net worth: Not Available with us
- Father Name: James Amess
- Spouse: Julia Arnold
- Mother Name: Maud Amess
- Age: 68 years
Article first published on May 20, 2020.