Stella Creasy is British politician and was born on 5 April 1977. She was elected for the London constituency of Walthamstow as a Member of Parliament (MP). She is member of Labour and Co-operative party. If you want to buy jackets like Stella Creasy, then you can buy it from online web portal with lowest amount.
If you have questions like How can I get contact details of Stella Creasy??? What is the office Address of Stella Creasy??? and What is the Email address of Stella Creasy?? Then you will get answer from here. Let’s see here.
Stella Creasy Constituency Office Contact Details
You can send your letter at Constituency Office. The Constituency Office Address is Walthamstow Labour Party 23 Orford Road Walthamstow London E17 9NL. If you want to ask any question, then you can call on office landline number. The office contact number is 020 8521 1223.
You can use her email address to send your letter. The email address is
Stella Creasy Parliamentary Office Contact Details
If you are searching for Parliamentary office address of Stella Creasy, then read here. The Parliamentary Office Address is House of Commons London SW1A 0AA. For telecommunication you have to use his office landline number. The number is 020 7219 6980.
You can also use his email address to make conversation with Stella Creasy. The email address is
Official Websites and Email Address
If you are looking for official website of Stella Creasy, then the official website is
To make conversation through email then you can use
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Social Media Accounts and Pages
You can use her official social media pages to get in touch with Stella Creasy. The social media accounts of Stella Creasy is Twitter and Facebook. This two are verified accounts of Stella Creasy.
Fast Facts About Stella Creasy
The fast and real facts of Stella Creasy is given here.
- Office: Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom since 2010
- Age: 43 years
- Education: Magdalene College, University of Cambridge and more
- Parents: Philip Charles Creasy, Corinna Frances Avril
- Books: Serving a Cause, Serving a Community: The Role of Political Parties in Today’s Britain Douglas Alexander, Participation Nation: Reconnecting Citizens to the Public Realm Stella Creasy.
Article first published on August 29, 2020.