Steve Barclay is British politician from Conservative party (political party). He is a Member of Parliament for North East Cambridgeshire. He is also serve as a Chief Secretary to the Treasury. He was married to Karen Barclay and they have three children. He has completed his education from Peterhouse, Cambridge. He was born on 3rd May 1972 in England.
In this article, we are going to sharing answers of frequently ask questions such as, How to contact Steve Barclay?, What is the office address of Steve Barclay? So, let’s real all verified contact details of Steve Barclay at this place.
Steve Barclay Constituency Office Contact Details
You can contact Steve Barclay via post, using the Constituency office address, which is mentioned below:
Steve Barclay office address is Steve Barclay MP, MJS House, Wisbech Road, March, Cambridgeshire, PE15 0BA. If you would like to get in touch with Steve Barclay via phone, please call at 01354 656635.
Given above contact details of Steve Barclay are help you to get in touch with him.
Steve Barclay Parliamentary Office Contact Details
The parliamentary office address of Steve Barclay is House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA and contact number is 020 7219 7117.
If you want to get in touch with Steve Barclay via email, kindly email at
Steve Barclay Official Website and Email Address
If you want to personally hear from Steve Barclay and receive latest updates and information, please visit the official website of Steve Barclay If you are searching for Steve Barclay email address, please email at
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Social Media Accounts and Pages
Steve Barclay MP is active on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. He loves to interact with the people and share updates. The above mentioned social media links are verified and it will help you to contact directly with Steve Barclay. You can follow Steve Barclay on verified social media accounts which are mentioned in this section.
Fast Facts About Steve Barclay
So, here we are sharing some quick information about Steve Barclay.
- Age: 48 years
- Wife: Karen Barclay
- Political Party: Conservative Party
- Education: Peterhouse, Cambridge, University of Law
Article first published on June 5, 2020.