Steven Bonnar is a member of Scottish National Party. He is currently serving as a MP for Bellshill, Coatbridge, and Chryston. He lives with his daughter and mother in Viewpark, North Lanarkshire. If you would like to buy latest men’s clothes in UK like Steven Bonnar wear, then you can buy it online at lowest rates.
Are you seeking for Steven Bonnar phone number to contact Steven Bonnar? Then you can find contact details of Steven Bonnar to speak to the Steven Bonnar in this article. So, let’s see all possible contact details of Steven Bonnar including email address, phone number, office address, mobile number, and other contact details.

Steven Bonnar Constituency Office Contact Details
Steven Bonnar’s Constituency office address is Office of Steven Bonnar MP, Municipal Buildings, Kildonan Street, Coatbridge, ML5 3BT. You can send your query to Steven Bonnar at
You can use the contact methods including your phone number, name, home address as well as all relevant details or information related to your query or enquiry or issue.
Steven Bonnar Parliamentary Office Contact Details
Steven Bonnar’s Parliamentary office address is House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. If you would like to talk to Steven Bonnar, kindly make a call on Parliamentary office contact number 0207 219 3000.
He lives in Viewpark, North Lanarkshire, currently we don’t have house address of Steven Bonnar.
Official Website and Email Address
You can visit an official website of Steven Bonnar and get latest updates and more details about surgeries. The email address of Steven Bonnar is
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Social Media Accounts and Pages
He is active on two social media accounts, which are Facebook, and Twitter. There all are verified social media accounts of Steven Bonnar.
Fast Facts About Steven Bonnar
At this place, you can find some quick details about Steven Bonnar.
- Office: Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom since 2019
- Children: one daughter
- Political Party: Scottish National Party