Tahir Ali is a British Member of Parliament for Birmingham Hall Green since December 2019. He is a member of Labour political party. Want to buy blazer online like Tahir Ali wear, then grab today from online collection of blazer and jackets and affordable rates. If you are seeking for the British Member of Parliament Tahir Ali contact details and other information like Tahir Ali office address, mailing address, house address, etc. So, you can get all that from here.
Today in this article, we clear about politician Tahir Ali all contact process with verified resources. These all are Tahir Ali Official contact information, which is collected from authorised website. Let’s read.
Tahir Ali Mailing Address and Postal Address
Below you can check all contact address of Tahir Ali.
The London office address of Tahir Ali is House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. Tahir Ali Birmingham office address is Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham, B1 1BB.
If you would like to give your opinion or views, please send it to above mailing address of Tahir Ali. If you have any other concern or issues or query, please do not hesitate to contact Tahir Ali by given contact details in this article.
Tahir Ali Contact Details
Tahir Ali office phone number is 0207 219 3000. If you have a problem that Tahir Ali can be of assistance with please contact him by office telephone number 0121 303 2039.
Due to some security and privacy reasons, we can’t share the personal mobile number of Tahir Ali. But, you can contact Tahir Ali through his Birmingham office phone number 0121 303 2039.
Tahir Ali Official Website and Email Address
You can correspondence through email at tahir.ali.mp@parliament.uk and tahir.ali@birmingham.gov.uk. You can report issues directly to the given above email address. It is the quickest way to get your issue resolved. Currently, we don’t have official website of Tahir Ali.
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Social Media Accounts and Pages
Nowadays, Social media profiles is a good option to contact the celebrities. Here we have provided you the verified and official social profiles of Tahir Ali such as Facebook, and Twitter. You can send a message or comment there to reach if they allow you.
Article first published on May 18, 2020.