The Hyde Group Head Office Address, Media Inquiries, Email Address, and More

The Hyde Group is housing association in London and was formed in 1967. The company considered as the UK’s largest and most trusted engineering companies. It is member of the G15 and operates in London, the South East, the East of England and the East Midlands. Chairman of The Hyde Group is Alan Collett. There are 1,112 number of employees working.

Hyde is primarily a group of ‘not-for-profit’ organisations. Its main business is the provision and management of good quality accommodation at affordable rate. Let us check out the contact information of The Hyde Group and which are given below.

The Hyde Group Head office address

You can write to them at the following freepost address: FREEPOST RESIDENTS MATTER.

Head office address
30 Park Street
London SE1 9EQ

Media Inquiries Contacts

Contact the Communications Team between 9am-5pm Monday to Friday

Media enquiries and interview requests
Email Address:

Urgent out of hours press enquiries
Telephone: 07961 427985.

Phone Support

If you’re an existing Hyde customer or homeowner, call them from a landline or mobile on freephone: 0800 3 282 282.

The quietest times to call are 10am-12pm and 2-4pm on Tuesday-Friday. Our busiest day is Monday.

If you are interested in purchasing a new home with them through shared ownership or outright sale, call Hyde New Homes: 0345 606 1221.

Text phone for the hard of hearing: 020 8297 7501 – prefix 18001 from a text phone or 18002 from a standard phone.

Source: The Hyde Group