London Stock Exchange is a stock exchange based in London, England. From 30 December 1801, the company’s formation was done and from this year first regulated exchange got exists. It was also considered as the oldest exchanges in all over the world. London Stock Exchange got merged with Milan Stock Exchange and created London Stock Exchange Group.
You can buy the Debt securities of London Stock Exchange at your own budget. FTSE 350 Index, FTSE All-Share Index, FTSE 100 Index are the different indices of London Stock Exchange. Following are few of the contact information of London Stock Exchange.

London Stock Exchange Headquarters Contact Information
If you are searching for the headquarters contact details of London Stock Exchange, then this is correct place to get the same. The address is 10 Paternoster Square, London, EC4M 7LS, United Kingdom.
If you are not able to visit the office, then contacting through telephone is the other option. Please, note down the contact number of the headquarters office. The number is +44 (0)207 797 1000.
London Stock Exchange Contact DetailsĀ
For every existing customers or going to be the customer of London Stock Exchange, the company has provide a phone for for them. So, the number you can dial is +44 (0) 207 797 1122.
London Stock Exchange Media Relations Contact Information
Are you the part of press and wanted to get the details regarding the news of London Stock Exchange, then this is the correct section for you. For the London office details,then the phone number is +44 (0) 20 7797 1222. The email address is Milan Office details are available at +39 02 72426 360 or you can do email at
The contact number for the other offices are +1 212 314 1220 (New York), +94 11 241 6000 (Sri Lanka).
London Stock Exchange Investor Relations Contact Details
To know about the investment procedure and know the rights and duties of the investor, let us join with the Investor Relations Officer. Investor Relations Officers are available at +44 (0)20 7797 3322. Here we also have the email address which is
Social Media Accounts
To get the instant updates about the London Stock Exchange, it is best to join the London Stock Exchange at the various social media accounts. They are active on LinkedIn and Twitter. You can also try to get some more social media accounts of them.
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Article first published on February 09, 2021.