Willis Towers Watson Headquarters Address, HR Contact Number, and More

Willis Towers Watson Headquarters

Willis Towers Watson is a large insurance brokerage and advisory company, headquartered in London, United Kingdom. As of now, it is the 3rd largest insurance broker in the world. The company was founded in January 2016 but its roots dating back to 1828. The company is also listed on NASDAQ with stock name WLTW. They have various subsidiary companies worldwide including Towers Watson, Extend Health LLC, MG LLC, Willis Insurance Services SA, Gras Savoye, and more.

According to latest news, they have more than 45K employees worldwide. The company is lead by the Chief Executive Officer John Haley since January 2016. Let’s see important contact information of Willis Towers Watson Headquarters, and more.

Willis Towers Watson Headquarters
Willis Towers Watson Headquarters

Willis Towers Watson Headquarters Contact Details

The company’s headquarters is located in London, UK. Please find head office address below. You can submit your complaint, concern, issue, or anything related to head office at this address. To talk with someone on phone, please use following telephone.

  • Address: 51 Lime Street, London, England EC3M 7DQ
  • Phone Number: +44 203 124 6000

The above mentioned head office address can also be used as postal address and mailing address. The above mentioned telephone number can be used for general purpose enquiries with the company.

Willis Towers Watson UK Office Locations

The company have good presence across the United Kingdom including Scotland, Northern Ireland, England, and Wales. They have good staff in these locations to solve the queries of customers, offer new products, and more. So, let’s see!

Office Addresses

  • Aberdeen: 4, Albyn Terrace, Floor 1, Aberdeen, Scotland AB10 1YP
  • Belfast: Centrepoint, 24 Ormeau Avenue, Floor 3, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT2 8HS
  • Birmingham: The Colmore Building, 20 Colmore Circus Queensway, Floor 2, Birmingham, England B4 6AT
  • Bristol: 3 Temple Quay, Temple Back East, Bristol, England BS1 6DZ
  • Bristol: Castlemead, Cabot Circus, Bristol Part, 17th Floor, Bristol, England BS1 3AG
  • Cambridge: Barley House, Station Road, Great Shelford, Cambridge, England CB22 5LT
  • Cardiff: 5 Callaghan Square, Floor 6, Cardiff, Wales CF10 5BT
  • Douglas: Tower House, Loch Promenade, Douglas, Isle of Man IM1 2LZ
  • Edinburgh: 2 Lochrin Square, 96 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh, Scotland EH3 9QA


  • Glasgow: 2 West Regent Street, Glasgow, Scotland G2 1RW
  • Guernsey: Albert House, South Esplanade, St. Peter Port, Floor 1, Suite 1 North, Guernsey, The Channel Islands GY1 1AJ
  • Ipswich: Friars St, Ipswich, England IP1 1TA
  • Leeds: 5 Wellington Place, Wellington Street, Leeds, England LS1 4AP
  • London: 34 Lime Street, Suite 1.11, London, England EC3M 7DQ
  • London: 51 Lime Street, London, England EC3M 7DQ
  • Manchester: 8 First Street, Floor 6, Manchester, England M15 4FN
  • New Malden: CI Tower, 1st Floor, St George’s Square, New Malden, England KT3 4HG
  • Reading: Arlington Business Park, Building 1410, Ground Floor, Reading, Theale RG7 4SA
  • Redhill: Westgate, 120-130 Station Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 1WS
  • Reigate: Watson House, London Road, Reigate, England RH2 9PQ
  • Welwyn Garden City: Wallace House, Floor 1, 4 Falcon Way, Shire Park, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, England AL7 1TW

Office Phone Numbers

  • Aberdeen: +44 122 428 2680, Pension Enquiries +44 01473 223000
  • Belfast: +44 28 9024 2131
  • Birmingham: +44 0121 631 1888
  • Bristol: +44 117 989 7487 / +44 117 976 9312
  • Cambridge: +44 1707 607 534
  • Cardiff: +44 29 2037 5896
  • Douglas: +44 1624 696100
  • Edinburgh: +44 131 228 8181
  • Glasgow: +44 141 306 1901, Pension Enquiries +44 01473 223000
  • Guernsey: +44 1481 720 049
  • Ipswich: +44 1473 223 000


  • Leeds: +44 113 234 3222
  • London: +44 203 124 6000
  • Manchester: +44 0161 833 7210
  • New Malden: +44 20 8619 9000
  • Northwich: +44 1606 352 035
  • Reading: +44 118 949 8017
  • Redhill: +44 1737 241 144
  • Reigate: +44 1737 241 144
  • Welwyn Garden City: +44 1707 607 502

Willis Towers Watson HR Email Address

If you are looking for job opportunities at Willis Towers Watson, please submit your resume to candidate.helpdesk@willistowerswatson.comĀ They are one of the largest employers in the United Kingdom. They have various positions available throughout the year. Please get in touch with HR Team!

Related Article: Royal Bank of Scotland HR Email Address

Article first published on April 10, 2020.