Damian Collins is popular politician of United Kingdom and also member of Conservative party. He served as MP (member of parliament) for Folkestone and Hythe. He is married to Sarah Richardson and they have two children. He has written books also and named as Charmed Life: The Phenomenal World of Philip Sassoon, and Football (Financial Transparency) Bill. He was born on 4 February 1974.
You can buy books of Damian Collins from online web portal with discounted rates. You can find here the all the contact details of Damian Collins like Office address, Phone Number, Contact details, fax number, and many more.
Damian Collins Constituency Office Contact Details
The constituency office address details of Damian Collins is 4 West Cliff Gardens
Folkestone CT20 1SP. You can meet him through given office address.
You can call him at office landline number and i.e. 01303 253524.
Damian Collins Parliamentary Office Contact Details
If you are searching for parliamentary office address of Damian Collins, then the address is House of Commons London SW1A 0AA. The office contact number is 020 7219 7072. You can send email at damian.collins.mp@parliament.uk.
When You are sending an email to Damian Collins, please write your full name, address and postcode.
The house address or residence address of Damian Collins is not available with us.
Official Websites and Email Address
You have to must visit the official website http://www.damiancollins.com/ of Damian Collins to get more details and information. The email address is damian.collins.mp@parliament.uk.
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Social Media Accounts and Pages
The social media accounts of Damian Collins is Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. These all are verified social media accounts of Damian Collins. You can stay touch with him by this social media accounts. Social media is best and easy way to make contact with any politicians.
Fast Facts About Damian Collins
The fast and true facts of Damian Collins is given here.
- Office: Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom since 2010
- Age: 46 years
- Place of Birth: Northampton, United Kingdom
- Date of Birth: 4 February 1974
- Education: St Benet’s Hall, University of Oxford
- Wife: Sarah Richardson
- Political Party: Conservative Party
Article first published on August 26, 2020.