Jon Cruddas is a politician. He is member of Labour Party. Since 2001, he is serving as MP (member of parliament) for Dagenham. He is the person who won the more votes in the first round of voting in election. He is married to The Baroness Healy of Primrose Hill. You can buy blazer online like Jon Cruddas wears at maximum discounted rates.
You can find here the answer of question like How can I meet Jon Cruddas?? What is the Contact Number of Jon Cruddas??? What is the Email Address of Jon Cruddas??? and more. All the contact details are official.

Jon Cruddas Constituency Office Contact Details
If you want to meet Jon Cruddas personally, then you can meet through his office address. The constituency office address is 598 Rainham Road South Dagenham
Essex RM10 8YP.
Want to know the office contact Number???Then read here. The office contact number is 020 8984 7854. The email address, which you can use to send your data is
Jon Cruddas Parliamentary Office Contact Details
The parliamentary office address of Jon Cruddas is House of Commons London SW1A 0AA. If you can not reach through his office address, then you can talk with him on office landline number and which is 020 7219 8161.
- Age: 58 years
- Political Party: Labour Party
- Office: Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom since 2010
- Education: Oaklands Catholic School, University of Warwick
- Place of Birth: Helston, United Kingdom
Article first published on September 23, 2020.